Hoop Scoop AAU Top 70 Rankings 14U
Middle School Elite | Jul 23, 2010 | Comments 0
Isaiah Whitehead
“We’ve spent the last three days watching the 2010 AAU Boys National 14-Under Tournament at ESPN’s Wide World of Sports in Lake Buena Vista, FL and the big story at this year’s tournament is the overabundance of athletic big men in the 6’6 to 6’9 range. And right at the top of the list is 6’7 Frosh Jahlil Okafor from Chicago (Whitney Young) IL, who reminds us in a lot of…” – Hoop Scoop (Click here to read more in the members section)
Shavar Newkirk
Only two players from New York received ranks at this main event. They made Hoop Scoop’s top 70 list out of hundreds, if not over a thousand competing. Isaiah Whitehead (Lincoln/Juice All-Stars) from Coney Island Brooklyn, New York is #24 and Shavar Newkirk (Rice/Scan) from Harlem, New York is #39. Newkirk, is one of the first top five players we’ve covered. Whitehead is one of the first players ever mentioned on Middle School Elite. These kids are really good and we’ll witness more of their great play, as they venture into high school.

Filed Under: MSE Players