Deondre Bourne Brooklyn In The House!
Middle School Elite | Aug 07, 2010 | Comments 0
Deondre Bourne
Deondre Bourne is a rising 7th grader from Brooklyn, NY. As a point guard, he actually “takes his time now and has more patients,” said Mr.Bourne. “He takes better shot selections and gets to the basket easier by using more head fakes, jab steps and a variety of moves.”
Young Bourne has a good drive and dish game. He attacks the basket hard and then kicks it to the open man, which makes his passing game crazy. Bourne plays aggressive man-to-man defense, but has learned that 9 out of 10 times he’ll have to help out. Bourne understands the team concept and has a very high basketball IQ.
Mr.Bourne says, Deondre gets frustrated when other kids are not on the same page as him. “I always tell him to calm down and relax because every kid doesn’t practice 2hrs a day and doesn’t always watch basketball on TV or You-Tube like he do.”
All in all, Deondre Bourne who’s a gemini is a hard working and very athletic NYC point guard.

Filed Under: MSE Players