KO Elite Basketball Camp Philly 2010
Middle School Elite | Aug 24, 2010 | Comments 0
Isaiah King, Jerron Love, Lamar Kimble, Malik Ellison, Trevaughn Wilkerson
The KO Elite Basketball Camp was an amazing success. Players from various states, 6th through 11th grade, packed the Competitive Edge Sports complex in King of Prussia, PA.
Tony Sutton, the camps director put on a show, and so did many talented athletes in the gym. Coach Sutton introduced each player like a ring announcer at a boxing match.
The KO Elite Basketball event had a nice camp atmosphere. The bright lights, parents, coaches, media and scouts. For the boy’s, they may have played the toughest bball of their life.
Stay tuned, as we bring you Non-Stop coverage of 6th,7th & 8th grade players at the KO Elite Basketball camp in Philly 2010.

Filed Under: MSE Players