Stevie Jordan 7th Grade Philly Basketball News
Middle School Elite | Sep 15, 2010 | Comments 0
Stevie Jordan (PA), point guard put moves together nicely at the KO Elite Camp in Philly. Stevie Jordan’s mother is coach Nette of the Philly Aztecs, they finished 4th at the AAU nationals 2010.
At KO Elite, Jordan played up in the class of 2014/2015 , even though he’s class of 2016.
As a 7th grader, Jordan might be slightly ahead of his class, but he must continue to compete against the best in the 8th grade.
Jordan displayed fundamentals and ability to run a team. He strokes the rock with confidence and has a good mid-range jumper. He has a strong feel for the game and plays hard defense.
We’ll be checking to see how much Stevie Jordan advanced his game. Coach Nette says, “We didn’t want Stevie on the national radar until high school, ” but she decided it was time for serious exposure!

Filed Under: Pennsylvania