John Lucas ‘Play The Right Way’ Camp
Middle School Elite | Nov 04, 2010 | Comments 0
John Lucas
December 28-29, 2010
(Texas Legends Sports Complex)
Designed to focus on developing and enhancing fundamental skills, Camp Right Way (CRW) will provide an NBA-style workout, stations, game play, and coaching that will develop players and take their individual and team games to the next level.
This camp is for 7th and 8th graders both nationally and locally. Up to 120 players will be chosen to participate so get your application and all requested information and payments in as soon as possible. 30-40 players from the Houston area will be selected to receive an invitation to the International Middle School Combine May 15-16, 2010 in Houston. DOWNLOAD THE BROCHURE
Contact Brian Merritt email: [email protected] or 361-793-4482 . Don’t miss this camp!

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