Adrian Moore Is More Than Basketball
Middle School Elite | Nov 09, 2010 | Comments 17
Adrian Moore
class of 2016 is the #6 ranked player in the nation by MSE. This 6’2” W/F from Conway Arkansas plays along beside the #1 ranked player on everybody’s site, Khalea Turner for the LA. Prime Time Select.
Adrian is an extremely athletic kid that can play anywhere on the floor but will probably end up as a two or three by the time he has finished growing. Adrian showed his athletic ability when he stole the ball and showed his Josh Smith like ability and dunked it on the other end. You can see that clip in the YouTube video.
This Kid has tremendous up side and this was his first year playing on the circuit, due to the fact he’s also a gifted left handed Center Fielder and pitcher for the national champion baseball Dairy Queen Busters from Conway Arkansas.
Adrian is also dedicated in the classroom where he makes straight A’s while taking AP classes. Be prepared to see more of this Batman and Rodman duo as they set out to avenge a National Runner-up finish to the South Carolina Ravens.

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That is beyond impressive. I couldn’t jump that high when I was eleven, but then again Im not 6’2. Im glad to see that some of his academic progress was also noted too because these commetors can be real harsh. Good work kid.
How is he taking AP classes?
Man thats fake man I goto school with Adrian he only like 6 foot hes 16 years old and he has failed like twice and he has never been in ap classes that nigga is retarded I swear y’all people be lieing and brah I totally agree with you
Sounds like a very well rounded young man. May God continue to bless you Adrian.
So he’s 11 years old in the 7th grade. At first i thought he was too old for his age number. Now it seems as though his age number is too small for the grade. Hmmm. On top of that, AP Courses are college courses that are offered in high school, the last time i checked. Something seems odd about this child.
AP classes are for high school students…
im confused how is he 6’2 in 7th grade and 11? Im 11 and Im in 5th. This is really confusing! I love bball Im 5’6 for 11 but like a 6’2 11 year old in 7th grade this makes not a lot of sense. Im tall and i make so much shots from the foul line and lay ups but this seems so crazy but cool can like somebody explain though?
Seems like there’s a big misconception about AP classes… To you genius’s I recommend looking it up… “It’s better to be thought dumb than to open your mouth and remove all doubt”…
“genius’s?” LOLOLOLOLOL
Oh and if someone is AP… They also would be younger in a higher grade… such as 11yrs old and in the 7th grade… Again I say… If it’s possible… Why not him?… Is it becaussssse… Naw you wouldn’t think something so out of place… Hmmm… Or would you?
; && people who live in different states their schools offer differnet programs so you wouldn’t know what his middle school has unless you attended it.
I coach 7th 8th grade kids. I have a 7th grade player who is taking AP classes at our High School.
Wow, I don’t know what is worse… the people who want to be so skeptical of this young man or the pressure that is going to be put on him in the coming years. He’s very impressive for his age but you also have to consider his size and the competition he is against. With that said if he works hard it looks like the sky is the limit for this kid. And for the smart guys taking shots at this kid… AP is for Advanced Placement, is can mean any number of accelerated classes or lesson plans. I’m guessing Adrian knows that though. Good luck to him and I’m looking forward to seeing him play a little ball.
The sky isn’t the limit when there’s footprints on the moon dude
The kids was held back in the 6th grade. He’s not 11, he was born in 1996. I was wondering if he’s some smart why was he held back. Maybe parents are the ones who’s not so bright. He’s an exceptional athlete, but bball skill needs some work.
great kid 13u henry speight and cahz woods check them out. out of michigan they r two high profile guys. tricityheat is looking for sponsors to so leave us a blog on the site but check them out to high profile guys that need to be looked at.