Drew Cone “The MSE 52 State Diary” North Carolina
Middle School Elite | Nov 23, 2010 | Comments 3
My name is Drew Cone I play with First Christian and we just finished a preseason middle school tournament.
I dominated the tourney with 50, 32, 25 points in a championship blow-out.
Then I scored 27 and 31 points in the next 2 wins. This week I will lead my team against two JV teams and a middle school team.
I have help on the team, my younger brother Madison Cone. Who is
in 7th grade (2016). He is averaging 18 points and 8 assist.
First Christian is believed to have the best Middle School team in the state of North Carolina.
Thanks to “The MSE 52 State Diary” now I get to tell my story on Middleschoolelite.com.

Filed Under: MSE 52 State Diary • MSE Players
Go Drew!
Thanks Scott. Drew has been having a incredible year.
Madison is going to make it rain for KMS this year.