Jasen West “Middle School Jr. Elite” Florida
Middle School Elite | Dec 07, 2010 | Comments 5
Jasen West is an 11 year-old /5th grader with tremendous academic and athletic potential.
Jasen is a straight “A” (honor roll) student at Rainbow Elementary School located in Winter Springs, FL.
Jasen has outstanding fundamentals and a complete game.
Jasen has played AAU basketball since the age of 9. Last year he played up (11U) and was a part of Team Final (New Jersey).
Last summer his team participated in the 11U Nationals at Cocoa Beach, FL.
Jasen’s family relocated to the Orlando, FL area and this year Jasen will play for the Orlando Family All-Stars.
West is a pure shooter and good ball handler.
Jasen’s pops, Darren says his son is still developing confidence and learning how to dominate games. “He needs to get stronger, especially to play with bigger and older players.”
“Jasen is looking forward to the Middle School Elite Camp in March,” Darren said. “This experience will help his long-term development.”

Filed Under: MSE Players
OMG I cant believe I found you on Google images by typing in Rainbow Elementary
hey jason
u rock
love jimmy and sean
thats wht im tlking bout j dog