Gavin Root MSE National Basketball Camp Kentucky
Middle School Elite | Jan 13, 2011 | Comments 9
MSE National Basketball Camp
“I’ve enjoyed reading your web site posts.
I like the variety of ages, teams, and parts of the country that you have provided. I have sent friends to look at it and quite honestly, Gavin’s coaches.
I like how you have plenty of information for athletes and parents. It makes it for a good read for not only the players themselves, but for parents, trying to honestly evaluate their kids abilities.
We have found that hard to do when your child is one of the strongest players in your area. Your site has provided that as a viable inspiration and evaluating tool.
My son, Gavin Root, is really excited about coming to MSE New York camp. We have encouraged him with the sports philosophy that ” You only get better by playing people that are better than you.”
He is now in the point of his development where others are wanting to play him so they get better. Like I said, he is excited to come to your MSE camp because of the quality of the individual play for his age.
Thanks again for your efforts. They are appreciated.
Beth Root”
Look out for this upcoming 6th grader whose Grade Point Average is 4.0.

Filed Under: Kentucky • MSE National Camp • MSE Players
Middle School Elite Basketball Camp 2011
I no him and he is really good at bball but I don’t think his GPA is 4.0
Gavin is the best basketball player in the 6th and seventh grade but look out for an up and coming star rj mooring o yeah forgot to say i block mr hildabrands shot
Rylan, look in your community newspaper. Gavin’s name has been on your school’s 4.0 honor roll for each quarter this year. Thanks for the other other comment.
I have crossed gavin in basketball to many times to count
rj shut up u have never crossed gavin in ur life
I wish the best for Gavin and he really iz a beast
Aye im tellin yall gavin is going to a D1 collage I swear he his
I am the best in Indiana and Kentucky. Adidas Phenom 2014. Nobody can guard me. Im unstoppable. Rj Mooring come at me. you aint nothin