KJ Farfan LIVE With Regis and Kelly
Middle School Elite | May 05, 2011 | Comments 1
Below is a video of KJ Farfan on the Live with Regis and Kelly Show. KJ had an awesome time in New York. They treated him like the King he is.
The best part is when KJ met Amare Stoudemire and got to play 1 on 1 against him. Stoudemire signed his jersey and gave it to KJ, and signed a ball too. They gave KJ a tour of NY right after.
Down here in Miami, the local news (Channel 7) interviewed KJ and aired it for two days, announcing KJ being on the Regis and Kelly show.
Stay tune for Amare Stoudemire talking about KJ. KJ wants to thank MSE for all the love and support. Keep doing your thing MSE !”- Farfan Family

Filed Under: MSE Players
Nice work KJ. Keep it up!