Middle School Elite vs Hoop Scoop
Middle School Elite | May 05, 2011 | Comments 5
MSE Pledge, Will and Testament
I agree, along with many other people that Hoop Scoop Clark Francis poses a known major threat to the fabric of youth basketball and every player’s well being.
(Click Here to Buy the Demetrius Walker Book)
I will not purchase a Hoop Scoop subscription for any reason, because its content is intentionally inaccurate and irrelevant.
I will not support Hoop Scoop affiliates, regardless of the consequences.
I will not give credibility to Hoop Scoop ranking for middle school and high school. I fully understand Clark Francis opinion doesn’t determine my present and future outcome, whatsoever.
I will not believe articles published by Hoop scoop writers, including New York regional scout Ron Naclerio.
I will always strive to be the best person and player (Student Athlete) on-and-off the basketball court.
I realize the fact that nothing nor anyone can take away my skills, not even un-humanness Clark Francis and his precious allies.
Moving forward, MSE will uncover and expose Clark Francis’ madness to the world for FREE. But, if you insist on joining Hoop Scoop and subscribing to his falling dynasty, then immediately click here.

Filed Under: MSE Players
Why do you always talk about Francis? Is it just because he didnt rank Jerron where he was supposed to be?
He says a lot of bad things about young kids basketball skills and not in a nice way. In some of his articles,he writes as if white people are not talented in basketball.
This is much bigger than one player namely Jerron. It’s about every kid Clark Francis, Joe Keller and a few others has purposely held back. The problem is they’ve created an unnecessary hostile environment for young players that’s clearly based on deceit.
Lets be honest its one person opion and does not matter in the long run. If a kid works hard in the classrooms and the court what someone ranks them does not matter. Its about getting better and getting to the next level, for these young ones that would be high school, then college. Many writers have missed out on talented kids and those kids went on to be good players.
Stop blaming everyone and every event that MSE does not agree with. At the end of the day people could say the same about the MSE camp and how that was done. So instead of going head to head why not work on kids skills, help them become better people and be happy that they have the chance to play. Its people choice on what they read or buy. People change and what people did in the pass does not make the people they are today. We have bigger problems in our cities rather than who is number #1