John Lucas Resources for Middle School Prospects
Middle School Elite | May 16, 2011 | Comments 0
The article below is our 2010 recap of the John Lucas International camp in Houston, TX. Stay tuned for 7th & 8th grade exclusive coverage from this year’s event.
John Lucas, played in the NBA for 14 years. In 1976, John was first pick to the Houston Rockets. Thereafter, he coached 3 NBA teams. John’s son, John Jr. also played in the NBA for 4 years. The 3rd annual John Lucas (international middle school combine) Nike Camp in Houston Texas was a blast and had to be the best in the Midwest for 2010. Some of the top athletes traveled near and far from states such as DC, GA, OK, LA, OH, NC, KY, TN, WI, MD, NY, TX & IN.
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