Please Do Not Use Profanity In Comments On MSE
Middle School Elite | Jul 19, 2012 | Comments 1
MSE Is Home For Fierce AAU War & Camp Beef!
Due to the numerous comments received daily it’s difficult to monitor them. We want you to feel free voicing your opinions and trust you’ll do it appropriately. Thank you for displaying a new competitive nature and aspiring to accomplish greatness–even at an early age. However, we must refrain from using foul speech, and also remember thousands of people check out MSE everyday to find out what’s going on.
Stay tuned, the best of MSE is yet to come!

Filed Under: MSE Players
I am AAU coach in Indiana, I am very new to AAU basketball, is there anyone who can help me with fundraising ideas and how coaches get sponsored and are able to fund thousands for nationals, thank you