MSElite Exclusive Exposure Interview with Class of 2023 Travis Upchurch, CT
Middle School Elite | Apr 05, 2013 | Comments 1
Hoop Scoop, ESPN, MaxPrep, & Rivals look out for class of 2023 Travis Upchurch, coming soon! Also stay tuned for more exclusive interviews from young athletes, who aspire to attend a major division 1 college and play for Team USA basketball and Mc Donald’s All-American.
Good day Mr. Upchurch,
We have finally reopen Middle School Elite and we’re pleased to announce that our exposure is better than ever. I have five important questions for you and your son Travis to answer for our interview, which we’ll post on Thanks.
MSE: How are your grades this year and do you enjoy school?
Travis: I’m a 2nd grader maintaining an A,B average. I love school it’s my no.1
MSE: Are you excited about AAU this summer and why?
Travis: I’m over excited to play AAU, im ready to show my talent and score some buckets against kids from other States.
MSE: What are the best words to describe your style of game, what type of player are you?
Travis: Im a confident point gaurd that can get to the cup at will. Im a team player with a winning attitude.
MSE: What high school do you want to attend and why?
Travis: I would love to attend a Prep School. I’m looking for the toughest competition to help better and further my career.
MSE: What is your dream college and why?
Travis: Uconn is my dream college. I’m from Connecticut and I would love to represent my state.
MSE: Did you enjoy the 2012 MSElite Christmas Camp?
Travis: Yes and I would not miss the MSE Maryland Mania Camp this year for the world!
If you feel you’re a special player and person with a strong desire to, hopefully, become great at basketball, please e-mail us at [email protected] to request a MSE Exclusive Exposure Interview.

Filed Under: MSE Players
Does he have to pay for this program? If so, is there anywhere to donate money towards his tuition? I’m graduate student myself, I don’t have a lot to donate but I could spare a few bucks to help him stay in school.