MSE Internet Youth Sports Basketball Radio Show With “The Hoop Guru”
Middle School Elite | Apr 28, 2013 | Comments 2
Radio Is Our Best Method to Reach Listeners
We intend to sweep you off your feet with extraordinary and intriquing exposure like on-line radio, where you can easily tune in from your computer by simply clicking Here at the time of show OR call 347-884-8526 to listen, either way!
To ask Hoop Guru a question or make a comment on air Live, please call-in to 347-884-8526
MSE will shout out dozens of players who have attended one or more of our MSE camps in New York and Indiana in 2011 and 2102. And, we will recognize many talented players on both the camp and AAU circuit. The top media scouts and D1 coaches at various levels follow the No.1 middle school (Elite) website for exposure in the nation.
I wouldn’t want to miss this live episode, but it will be available for play back immediately after broadcast.
Radio show Details, Click Here!
(*E-mail [email protected] for radio advertisement inquiries)

Filed Under: MSE Players
Great show MSE, Coach Harmon is the real deal – refreshing in the AAU world honestly…who wouldn’t want to play for him????!
Also Can’t wait to play in that new MSE GYM!!!!
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