Most Wanted: 5th Grader Michael Saunders Jr. Is Armed and Dangerous

Killer Point Guard Michael Saunders

(Michael Saunders attended the MSE Easter & MSE Christmas Basketball Camp’s held in Indiana)

You might already know that short players develop skills faster than tall players, because short players work on skill more than tall players to be able to compete against them. There’s a larger number of short people in contrast to tall people around the world, so taller athletes are favored and shorter athletes seemingly come a dime a dozen.

Speaking of “skill”, Michael Saunders best describes the word. Although, he only stands 5’3″… keep in mind, he’s just a 5th grader, who supposed to be in 4th grade because he’s the youngest of his peers. “He should reclassify”. “He fine where he’s at.” Does it really matter whether he’s in 4th or 5th grade? Probably not. He is playing up. However, Saunders’ high IQ for basketball, fast pace style of game, three point stroke and advanced passing ability, separates him from the rest. That’s partly the reason he’s currently ranked No.1 in his respective high school graduating class of 2020.

Be on the look out for Lil Mike at the Maryland Mania Camp August, 2013!

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  1. True says:

    Finally someone who is worth the hype.

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