MSE Has Found The Next Scottie Pippen
Middle School Elite | Jul 02, 2013 | Comments 52
MSE Exposure Has Just Begun
So much has been said in reference to Jordan Toles. Rarely is the hype as well deserved as it is in this case. Toles is not only the best player in his class in the basketball hotbed of the DMV, he is also without argument one of the top 5 players in the class of 2020 in the country. Hands down there is no player in this or any class more versatile than Jordan; who excels equally as well at all five positions on the floor; yes Toles player all five positions – sometimes in the same game for the nationally ranked Banneker Kings.
An explosive scorer with a legit long range jumper beyond the arc out to 22ft.; to be considered premier scorer one cannot get ready to score the basketball one must be ready to score the basketball. Jordan possesses that mindset which puts tremendous pressure on anyone brave enough to attempt to guard him. He has a short memory; misses don’t bother him and he keeps attacking and leaves defenders, opposing coaches, and fans at times shaking their heads. To his credit he plays the game in an unselfish manner and his assist numbers and rebounding deserves credit and mention as well.
Defensively he is a physical multiple position defender, that can keep the ball in front of him with lateral foot speed and chest to chest bumps. He is relentless and willingly will take a charge from any position; he accepts all challenges on defense and has a business first approach. Jordan will via for the #1 spot in this class before it’s all said and done – competition take note. And yes he will be at MD Mania in August.

Filed Under: MSE Players
Yes sirrrrr. He the one Banneker stand up
already banneker kings get wit us
The first 20 seconds of the Video is one huge kid running thru a bunch of smaller kids…Who cares? Let the kid play with kids his age and I will be impressed.
he’s so down to earth, never boostful, just loves the game of bball. Hopefully he keeps it up
He is another age exception per his own camp. Definitely not of 5th grade (2020) age. The “original birth certificate” is in order.
this kid will be in the 6 grade nxt school year. not a reclass. he can start gaurd for any 6&7 grade aau team. right now he is down Co Co beach laying the smack down on all compatition
@ another age exception stop hating he is legit no reclass just graduated 5th grade stop hating
Who cares about what grade he is in. How old is he? Banneker Kings’ parents say he is not 5th grade age (11 yrs old). 6th graders turn 12 this school year – not 13.
i wish aau go to age and age only requirments. everytime someone is good haters bring up age. FUCKERY
his bday is 05/13/2001,,,just turned 12 in may, graduated from Imagine Discovery PCS in May,entering 6th grade in the fall 2013. no grade exception and to the parents that gave you the WRONG info..they must be haters too.Talk to his parents and they will set it straight @another age exception
Did you proofread what you wrote? A true 5th Grader in Maryland has a birthdate in 2002. So he should have been 11 this May. What people are saying is that the grade doesn’t matter (because evidently he failed at some point which is really sad), the question to ask is what his age is especially prior to high school. There is an advantage for those who are older and everyone is just asking that comparison be made based on ability compatibility.
So you just validated what others are saying and the parents on his team telling folks this is correct. Did you mean to do that?
at the end of the day what does it matter to any of the people with a negative comment, those are things that can be kept to self, if they kid can play you can either give him his props or say nothing at all. He is reading or will read these comments one day. Honestly if any of it is true I’m sure he’s not the first or last. Let the kid hoop, isn’t that what its all about anyway. NBA doesn’t have a grade or age exception.
Why do people get all mad about grade exceptions and reclass kids, its within the rules for a REASON however if a kid is good he’s good….no matter his age. Not to mention EVERY team has one…EVERY single AAU team…..I haven’t seen one team with out one. Its the rules! HS, College and the NBA…you will always play someone older so get better and get over it!
Why has there been such a big marketing push for this kid. I see him all over youtube and posted on 2020 Ballers. First thing he needs to do is play good and beat a nationally ranked team and then the recognition will come. Anybody can make a highlight tape.
If this ain’t the most hateful dispute about a kid
Numbers dont lie but people do hate the boy the truth look at his numbers
First off 1 player can not beat a whole team,,,he does his do diligence. Did any one see his stats from Nationals this year. I believe he only had one game that he had less than 20 points. He’s not Michael Jordan. He’s a 12 yr old kid that has a lot of growing. But on the other hand he must be doing something right for all the negative attention hes receiving from you all on this website. Just because HE hasn’t beat a team by himself that doesn’t makes him a bad player. I really wish you all would give up the negativity.
I’ve watched Jordan play a few times and he is really good. But I think what “hello world” is saying is: you don’t have to plaster the kid all over the place to get him credibility, just win. And win at a high level. He’ll be good as he develops but the argument of him being “the best of the rest” may be valid for now. I’d love to see him match up with Kyree Walker of Memphis. That would be epic.
From what I’ve seen Jordan definitely looks like a D1 player and plays on a high level. However his Banneker Kings team should try D2 nationals see how they come out and then move on from there.
Just a FYI Jordan Toles and Kyree Walker already played each other in this years nationals .. The won by like 6 … But yes it was a very good match up…between the two .. Jordan’s “highlights” from that game is also on youtube..just to be clear jordan have and will continue to work very hard in the gym … And playes very hard in each game .. Its sad the it had to be adult going at him for what he worked hard on… At the end of the day he will keep working hard and its no need to go at this child .. But stay tuned ..
Yes, look at the numbers against who he is playing against. Prior to highschool when maturity sets in, he’s dominating against kids who are 1 to 2 years weaker than him. At this age, play your age or up….then you can say look at the numbers.
Until high school, (but even at high school there’s a JV and Varsity…I wonder what that’s for) that’s why everything changes so rapidly because everybody catches up. You don’t know who’s going be what size, have what strength, have what mental toughness…etc that allows them to compete.
Pointing out the obvious is not hating, it is just stating the truth. If a 16 year old was playing against him, I am quite sure he wouldn’t perform that well but the 16 year would look like a fool for bragging about the beat down.
Much luck to all these kids, keep working hard in the classroom and on the court and yes, we’ll stay tuned. Because it would be a shame to have these be that good and they can’t get NCAA eligible.
AAE – Jordan is going to the 6th grade. You bringing up his age discredit the hard work he puts in. Its people like you that will be the 1st to protest and lose your money. And still cry foul play. The FACT that in AAU Ball age & grade go hand and hand. He is good because he works hard, not bcuz of his age or grade.
AAU Change – I agree with you, The Banneker Kings know the rules and we follow them.
A True 5th grader – you’re wrong! In MD you can start the 1st grade at 6. Compared to a state like Indiana where you can’t start 1st grade until your 7. Those are the type of facts you should know. Know what you’re competing against.
the truth – Us playing D2 wouldn’t help us. It’s not a race it’s a marathon. The team is a big man away from being a power house. Losses this yr. to #5, 6, 9 & 10. 20-6 on the yr. That’s tough. Quality wins over Georgia Stars, Atlanta Volt, Team Glory & Metro Sixers. Respect Us.
Ps… Kyree from the Memphis Wareagles face Jordan at Nationals. Good game the Wareagles pulled out in the end by 10. Jordan 15 pts vs. Kyree 14 pts and the W…
AAU Rules allow this…ok, Great but the point is you are still confirming he’s “at least” a good year older than the rest. See you in high school.
To start Kindergarden in MD you must be 5 by September 1, that would mean you finished Kindergarden at 6 then at 6 go into 1st grade to finish at 7. Depending on if you have a late birthdate (After Sept 1) then you could be no more than 6 months older than those in your class. This kid is 12 going into the 6th grade. Kids entering 6th grade are 11 and will turn 12. There saying his birthday is in May????? So he is older, way older and that’s the point. No hating on the kid but all these reclassifies are for a reason, something is lacking when the play their own age so they go back to make up for the difference. Some make and some don’t but it’s still a fact he’s older than everybody else therefore you gotta factor in strength, maturity, cognitive ability that changes and increases as we get older. That’s what people are talking about not hating on the kid. Adults do this to make their squad or even parents do this to “look better”….just continue to work hard and you will “get better.”
Ok. since he is not a reclass like said before. Should his parents go to the Board Of Education and ask to skip him because people dont like him playing his true grade. he is at the least 4 mounths older than the youngest on the team. Stop It
His class 2020 is born in 2002 but the inside folks are posting/saying he was born in 2001.
He’s a year older than his class. If he started on time and didn’t reclassify, then he failed.
To be the best you have to beat the best. Playing your and up age helps with that.
Five years from now we’ll look back and see what happens. Stop representing him as something he is not. Judge based on peers at this age. That’s why the major sports analyst don’t rank until 10th grade. So much changes as boys become men.
Look at what #’s! – For you not to be hatin I read your last post. Couldn’t find any positivity in it. This is a fact I have kids turning 12 starting the 7th grade. Kids turning 12 starting the 6th grade. A kid that’s already 12 going the 6th. A 10 y/o going to the 4th! All on the same team!!! They’ve been playing together for 5 yrs. now. BK you know we got it!!!
No one cares how long the kids have been together. What people care about is when you bring the ones that are older to play in the age group with the younger ones. No one has time for cheats. You are cheating the very kids you say you love so much. You guys are failures. No cred at all.
load of crap shut up u hater i wonder if ur kid can even play
Play your kids in their age group. No one will bother you.
Your really not bothering us your making our boys work harder!!!!! We know we will always have a number 1 FAN………
@ king of kings shorty u already know its haters out there we going stay in da gym getting our kids better keep playing the best of the best and bring home rankings every year banneker kings its a movement haters goin hate f em
Loadofcrap is a clown. Clicking io every picture just to be negative. Why do you come on the site if it’s a loadofcrap
Banneker Kings keep doing what y’all doing. Up and coming AAU program with no sponsor. Just parents putting their money together to better the kids. They are beating programs who get kids from any state they want. I live in Baltimore and they don’t even get the pic of the litter here. Yet they have two nationally rank teams and runner up at state champion (2nd grade). People wound not be saying anything if these kids played for a program backed by a big name.
I was at Maryland Mania and the Banneker players dominated two out of three groups. They had 3&4, 5&6, 7&8 playing together. It took away from younger players. As far as this kid he played 7&8 also and played good. He is official. They keep the talent and the sponsor will come. The guard with orange tennis playing 4th is next.
According to AAU rules he’s legit (see below), quit whining. People on here act like the boy is 13 or 14 yrs old. You have a problem with his height and strength, take that up with God! Obiviously some of you have NEVER been to Nationals to see the size of players, some are bigger than him and in the 5th grade (well 6th grade now). If and when your kid plays high school ball are you gonna blog about them playing against kids older than them? By that time it’ll be a 2 and 3 year difference. It’s called basketball, either put your kid in another sport or take the tittie outta their mouth and let ’em play!!
An athlete must be in the 5th grade as of October 1, 2012 and can be no older than 12 on August 31, 2013. For an athlete that is in the 6th grade as of October 1, 2012 wanting to play down, they can be no older than 11 on August 31, 2013.
9th graders can play with 12th graders. They are all men by then. 7th grade age kids playing against 5th grade kids who haven’t even hit puberty is stupid. Really boring watching some kid 4 0r 5 inches taller bigger and stronger running through little boys. These kids usually have no shot and can’t handle the ball 3 years later the others grow and go right past the kid. His dissapointed parents then take him from team to team to try to find a home. The boy ends up quitting and thats why some of these kids peak at 12 years old.
BBall Mom, of all people, you the loudest and craziest one n the room when you cry about the reclassifies….Geesh! I guess reclassifies working really good for your new team now…huh?
Ummmm, I think you have me mixed up with somebody else. I’m neither loud or crazy and I definitely don’t cry about reclassifications. I might give the refs a hard time but I NEVER talk about somebody else’s kid. Get your facts straight, you don’t know me. And what new team are you referring to? My son has only played for 1 AAU team.
All of the elite Maryland private schools have a grade called Pre-First which comes after Kindergarten. Most private/independent school kids therefore do not start first grade until age 7. Its not a reclass and has nothing to do with sports. Not saying this is the case with this kid because I’ve never heard of his school but ask McDonogh, Gilman, St. Pauls how old their students are by grade, not just their student-athletes. It’s really not that big of a deal. My own son is 7th grade 6’3. Not a reclass and did not do pre-first but it really doesn’t matter since he is still the tallest kid on his team and when he plays up.
There was once a kid who dominated against those who were years younger then him. He played well but around his 8th grade to freshman year he peaked. He faked injuries to avoid stiffer competition, he couldn’t compete….all the advantage of his younger years had failed him. He did not regain some ground until the 11th grade. He was no longer the most dominate but he had to learn how to play the game again.
Read “They Played Their Hearts Out”, this book deals with a kid who was pushed to be the next great at such a young age by adults who used him to put their name and organization on the map or to make money, get sponsors…etc. and as everybody, those weaker little boys he once beat, transitioned from boys to men they just progressed right by him. One of those weaker kids got drafted in the NBA this year, albeit not in the top 10 but he’s in and has a contract while this once dominate kid is now still not even being thought of.
The morale of this tale is that like everything in life easy is not always the best route. Hard teaches you lessons you can improve/grow from, easy gives you false impressions. Those adults who are allowing this kid to player weaker competition is doing him a disservice. In this basketball world, you have so many tall tales of kids who have traveled this path and peak too early. What’s the challenge for him to grow. The be the best you have to play the best and giving this kid a false impression only hurts him because he never really finds out what’s he’s weak at until it’s too late.
This whole elite sports thing is a marathon not a sprint. When we talk about 3rd,4th,and 5th graders there are too many things that may change and effect what they do on the court.
@loadofcrap, you’ve barked about kids and knocked them for being old when in reality, I don’t think you really know who is old, young, or where they are supposed to be. That huge kid that dominates may be the best he’ll ever be right now or he may be a future D1standout. Just keep preparing your kids for the next level. If you feel that nothing matters until 8th grade and above then why knock the kids that are bigger,stronger,and faster. It all evens out in high school,right? In elementary and middle school I really don’t think anyone is stealing anyone’s shine if there is no shine too attain. All of these kids that we talk about may be just that, talk. Until then, if they dominate so what. The most these kids are getting are great high school looks if they want to play at an elite high school away from home. All in all let the kids enjoy it.
Someone posted a damn good video of the 5th grade National championship and the one thing I noticed was the kids that were sitting next to the videographer were laughing and joking and enjoying the game, and I don’t think they were all from the same team. It’s the adults that take that away from them. Keep putting good stuff into them and let them play. We will all find out which kids take this thing serious and who doesn’t.
I am Jordan’s father and I couldn’t agree with you more .. All I can say Is He worked hard this past year not to get recognition but. Because he wants to be the best (his words) and it’s no shame in that .. But lets keep in mind that its still has a whole lot of work to do and he is willing to put the extra effort it takes to get better that has been our agreement for the last 3 years .. And its because he wanted it .. Please just look at this like if it was your kid and he tells you he wasn’t too get better year over year you owe that to him to make it happen .. not make a excuse to the reason why he not the best .. it is kids better then mind and allot of area of his game he’s not flawless and he knows that ..
Hey how’s the marathon going
. jordan Toles still here ..
Well stated.
I read Play their Hearts out. I have seen it time and time again. I don’t blame the kids. They don’t post the videos and rank each other. They don’t pay for these unorganized money grab camps. It is the parents all day long. Some kid with a single Mom who will not pick up a ball until middle school may end up being bigger and better then everyone.
@loadofcrap why u wtill here. hatin on kids.
Stop it. Bannaker Kings haven’t accomplished anything to always be all over the website. Jordan Toles team finished 25th at Nationals. LOL 25th. If the goal is to fast forward Toles into everyones conversation, let him go toe to toe with the kid Hunter Jackson from George Hill Rising Stars. I am pretty sure that can be arranged and then all this next Scottie Pippen talk will stop. I like Toles but please Hunter Jackson would destroy him.
Love it. I agree “stop it”!! But you entered the conversation, and that makes you one of everyone.
Could you give me some facts on Hunter?!
How many of the GH studs from that 5th grade #3 team is still 11???
And Hunter can check Ahmaud Jones. Id rather Jordan face Shemar since thats the best GH has to offer.
Evey kid in 6th. Every kid is 11-two kids turn 12 in september. Two kids just turned 11 in July. Remember GH3 beat BK without Hunter and Shemar so pump your breaks. We not into one on one matchups. Last I checked 25th place doesn’t bring much weight. Teach your kids how to shoot and go left and mybe we can link up. Toles is o.k, but you bringing to much negativity to him because your ignorant and don’t deal with fact. BK not in same convo with any top 10-15 organizations.
I must’ve hit a nerve!!! Your not into 1 on 1’s. But you brought up the matchup between Hunter and Toles…(not me)! 25th has to do for now, im sure Boo Williams will be a lot better. No offense. But I don’t know who Hunter is. That dosent mean he isn’t good. Ive seen Shemar, I like his game. I think GH3 is good org. But for you to say we not anything means your aware of us. That’s good enough for me. W’s or L’s I keep working.
Remember the kids have to play the game not the parents. Don’t write a check your kids can’t cash.