Coach Alex Garcia/ Miami City Ballers Interview Featuring “Bronny”
Middle School Elite | Oct 09, 2014 | Comments 0
A Coaches Coach
At a time when youth basketball competitiveness is considerably low, it’s actually rising in some areas in the country. That place is called Miami Florida where coach Alex Garcia and his ‘Miami City ballers’ organization is based. The program stores many players as well as teams, but the biggest name to stand out above all is 4th grader LeBron James Jr, aka Bronny, the oldest son of NBA All-Star LeBron James.
Here’s our exclusive interview, as seen on “MSE Twitter stories” with none other than coach and Director Alex Garcia of Miami City Ballers. Find out from Coach Garcia, what it’s like being in charge of a major AAU operation and helping young players fulfill their dreams.
MSE: What’s your position and duty of Miami City Ballers? Who are the other coaches within the organization?
AG: I’m the CEO of the Miami City Ballers and I also coach the 5th grade team… We have 9 coaches, all of them have either coached high school basketball, college, or played collegiate level.
MSE: How many years has your program been in existence?
AG: Since 2004, where we had some of the top players in the nation, Edwin Rios and Dwayne Collins, both played for University of Miami
MSE: What grades for teams is offered and who are some of the elite players?
AG: 2-8 grade
2nd Grade – Amari Sanders, Jackson Mansfield
3rd Grade – Lebron James, Brian Hawthorn
4th Grade –Estban Llubres, Brandon Garcia
5th grade –Anthony Huntley,
6th grade – Gabe Taylor, Tony Samders, Kentron Portier, Donell Harris
7th grade – Alec Rodriguez
8th grade – Dominick Garcia
MSE: Explain a few obstacles in making it to D1 AAU National finals?
AG: One of the biggest things is loyalty, If there is one thing I’m really starting to hate about this AAU thing is parents moving thier kids around… If you are traveling, winning, have good coaching, have a practice facility and work har , you would think it’s enough. Nowadays, parents want more, so it’s hard to keep teams together and build a strong nucleus… I’m very loyal to my players and we have always been a successful program doing it the right way… I see teams just doing kids wrong and replacing them every week.. I believe in developing what we have and if I lose with my team, so be it.. But one thing everyone can say about me is I’m committed to my boys and working hard to get them better.. Isn’t that what AAU is all about… I think lot of people have lost focus on that and only care about winning… Winning is great, but I want to be remembered as the guy who cares about his kids and helped them be great players on the next level… Just my 2 cents !!!!
MSE: Where would you rate Miami City Ballers overall on scale of 1 to 10 compared to other competing teams?
AG: I’d say we are a 7, now have 12 teams and looking to double this year…
MSE: Name the toughest teams you’ve played against on the circuit last summer?
AG: Team Glory, Team Takeover, YBR, Team Teague, We All Can Go
MSE: How is it coaching LeBron James Jr. and having to coordinate with his dad, LeBron James Sr.?
AG: LBJ JR, has been great this season, his dolt does a great job bringing him to practice and tournaments… LBJ Sr, shows up from time to time and it sometimes gets a lil crazy when he shows up. I sometimes feel bad for him, because I know what a great father he is to his kids and he wishes he can be at all the games, but with his schedule it’s hard… But when he does show up he’s great… He talks to the boys on the team and gives them advice and motivates them as well… As a father myself I couldn’t imagine missing my sons games so I know it’s tough for him… But I’m sure when he gets older LBJ will be at all his college games… Lol… His family is very dedicated to the boys and have done alot for the program, we are very grateful to have them a part of our program.
MSE: MSE has Bronny currently ranked No.1 in America due to his accomplishments on Miami City Ballers. Do you agree with our national player ranking?
AG: Yes, I have not seen a player with his explosiveness , and crunch time play at his grade level this year… He has played both 3rd and 4th this year and has excelled in both divisions, but in the 3rd grade he’s pretty unstoppable…
MSE: Since Mr. James has recently decided to take his talent to Ohio, is there an Ohio City Ballers in the making?
AG: Lol, you never know what the future holds… But for that family I will make the effort if they ask…
MSE: Who would you like to thank for helping support Miami City Ballers cause throughout the years?
AG: My parents… I have very dedicated parents and are always there for our program… It would not be a successful program without them..My wife that puts up with all the traveling and headaches throughout the season. My kids for working hard and understanding that their father is helping other kids reach their dreams and help them as much as I could.

Filed Under: Florida • MSE Players