5th Grade MSE Top 80 National Players Rankings for Class of 2023
Middle School Elite | Jan 12, 2016 | Comments 63
Middle School Elite c/o 2023 Rankings
www.MiddleSchoolElite.com rankings are based on a player’s performances at high level tournaments, camps, overall team success, ability to impact games and long term ability or upside.
Who’s paying attention?
ESPN, NY Times, WSJ, Chicago Tribune, CBS, Yahoo, Bloomberg News, Ohio Observer, Bleacher Report, Tampa Bay Times, Hoop Scoop and New York Daily News have all written about us so they’re definitely watching players on this website.
Rank, Name, Position, State
Updated Sept. 28, 2016
#1 LeBron James Jr., Forward, Ohio
#2 Angel Corona, Forward, California
#3 Wesley Yates, Guard, Texas
#4 Jacovey Campbell, Guard, Texas
#5 Jakhary Towns, Guard, Michigan
#6 Barry Amari Tate, Guard, North Carolina
#7 Bryson Jaye Nash, Guard, Tennessee
#8 David Delancy, Guard, Florida
#9 Stephon Castle, Guard, Georgia
#10 Chas Lewless, Guard, Washington
#11 Saad Waqia, Guard, California
#12 Stone Bureau, Guard, Florida
#13 Devin Sanford, Guard, Michigan
#14 Barry Tate, Guard, North Carolina
#15 Joby Barnes, Guard, California
#16 Jacob Cole, Guard, Texas
#17 Sarmartine Bouges, PG, Maryland
#18 Caleb Soto, Guard, Texas
#19 Tyler Flowers, Guard, Delaware
#20 Christopher Lockett, Guard, Louisiana
#21 Bryce Flowers, Guard, Delaware
#22 Adisa Molton, Guard, Ohio
#23 Rishod Brown, Guard, California
#24 Shaun Chandler, Guard, Delaware
#25 Jaylin Steward, Guard, Washington
#26 Jayden Nicholson, Guard, Missouri
#27 Jacary Spates, Guard, Indiana
#28 Layden Blocker, Guard, Arkansas
#29 Amir Wilson, Guard, California
#30 Khoi Thurman, Guard, Illinois
#31 Andre Wheeler, Guard, Ohio
#32 Aden Holloway, SG, North Carolina
#33 Jaedon Thompson, Guard, North Carolina
#34 Landon Shepard, Guard, Virginia
#35 Anthony Benard, Guard, Michigan
#36 Jaylen Williams, Guard, Texas
#37 Jordan Ross, Guard, Utah
#38 Kahnye Benjamin, Guard, Texas
#39 Malik Browman, Guard, Washington
#40 DeMarcus Singleton, Guard, Louisiana
#41 Reed Shepard, Guard, Kentucky
#42 Jaylen Harvey, Forward, Tennessee
#43 Elijah Ford, Guard, North Carolina
#44 DaJuan Lane, Guard, Maryland
#45 Charvel White, Guard, California
#46 Moses Hipps, Guard, New Jersey
#47 Darrell Bembry, Guard, Texas
#48 DeJuan Riggs, Guard, Washington
#49 Nate Nasser, Guard, Florida
#50 Roddy Gaymon, Guard, Philadelphia
#51 Cameron Gullis, Guard, Virginia
#52 Cole Chapman, Guard, North Carolina
#53 RJ Jones, SG, Texas
#54 Jaeden Mustaf, Forward, DC
#55 Danial Dormu, SG Washington DC
#56 Kylan Homes, Guard, Pennsylvania
#57 Mike Davis, Guard, Illinois
#58 Maurice Wright, Guard, California
#59 Jaden Maxwell, Guard, Illinois
#60 Curtis Staie, Forward, New York
#61 Christian Smith, Guard, Maryland
#62 Payton Kamin, Guard, Illinois
#63 Amari Farr, Forward, DC
#64 Zocko Littleton Jr., Guard, Georgia
#65 Kia Davis, Guard, California
#66 Lawrence Cole, Guard, Virginia
#67 Trenton Bryant, Guard, Virginia
#68 Makai Lewis, Guard, California
#69 Carlos Abarka, Guard, Virginia
#70 Miles Williams, SG, Texas
#71 Kanaan Carlyle, Guard, Georgia
#72 Kywone Jenkins, Guard, Florida
#73 Dylan Smith, Guard, Texas
#74 Kaden White, Guard, Illinois
#75 Brian Harthorn, Guard, Florida
#76 Anthony Valentine , PG, Maryland
#78 Casian Richard, Guard, North Carolina
#79 Austin Pickett, Guard, Texas
#80 Karl Burroughs Ohio

Filed Under: Rankings
Lot of legit talent on that list but its clear if you go to a camp you get ranked a lot higher than you should be. Kids in the middle of the rankings would kill your top of the list. Also 2 kids on your list are 2024 and have been for a couple of years.
Which two kids?
#67 Upchurch reclassed two years ago. I apologize, I got the kid at #56 confused with Anthony Saunders(who reclassed this year)another DMV kid. Its a good list but in my opinion some kids are ranked high-some are low.
How can I get ranked in 2024 please reply back?
How can I get ranked play n 2024
That is the truth. My son has been playing against the 2021 class for the last four years. He only started playing his age group in Tournament, and camps this November, and he has destroyed his age group. To be honest, he is very bored with it. Still though, watch out for Mikey Williams, 5’9 143lb pg.
MSE just come out in September with the 2024 class rankings
I seen most of the 2024 class play or know someone who did. Here is my top list. Vick(VA) Jones(Fla) Mobley(OH) Redfern(WV) Virgil(CA) Eastern(OH)Tank(MD)James(NY) no order. I think Jones and Vick are on a different level than any body else PG wise. Mobley James Virgil score the ball real well. I have no problem with Vick staying #1 but Jones and Mobley needs to be move up and James(NY) needs to be added top the 10 he did his thing last year at AAU Nationals
Isaac Rollins and Zacko are both 2022 I believe
#58 Phillip Crowell is 11 years old but is a 4th grader 2024.
Not one player from Seattle Rotary Blue? Who’s rating these guys?
Seattle lol
Just curious, who is Seattle Rotary? Who have you played?We came from GA to the West Coast Nationals and never saw you guys. If you want the rankings you have to play on the circuit and not just against rec league comp.
I agree with Mike Jackson. Rotary Style Blue is the top 5th grade AAU team is the State of Washington and has NEVER been beaten by any team in Washington or Oregon within their age group. This team plays in 6th grade tournaments just to get competition.They have only lost 7 games within their age group over the past 3 years. For the class of 2023 Jaylin Stewart is ranked #1 by Seattle Basketball Service for the State of Washington. #8 by Coast2Coastpreps and #11 by Prep Basketball National Youth, but he is not ranked by you at all. He is only 10 years old but can do it all rebound, pass, block shots and score. There is not a single player listed in your rankings from Washington that could even start for the Rotary Style Blue Team and I know of a couple that would not even make the team.
Casian Richard class of 2023, 5th grader playing Middle School Ball @ QEA. Somebody better take notes!
Just for reference your #1,#2, and #10 played on the same team at the Spiece MLK tourney and got dominated in the championship game in Indianapolis. Far and away the best player on the floor was playing against those 3 and from what I saw(may have been a off game for those 3 kids) #41 should be ranked a lot higher. #2 is the best player of those three kids but the other 2 are not top 25 from what I’ve seen. Just my opinion(and a lot of others watching the game)
Bryson Warren, Guard out of Arkansas was left off of 2023 rankings? I know he should have been in the top 10. He was on the AllStar MSE Team and his game has been elevated since. He deserve to be in the TOP Rankings. See Bryson Warren Highlights 2015 on YouTube.
watched several on this list get destroyed by that roster Team Teague built. talk about a squad. not sure the khoi kid scored or was even able to get a shot off. Teague was up 20+ in first half vs the north coast blue chips and they had lebrons son and the yates kid from texas.
@Saw em in indy.. First of all the tournament was in Fort Wayne. Second of all nobody was dominated. 7 point game. Third of all they had 12 and 13 yr old fifth graders but u failed to mention that part. And finally your opinion means nonthing.
Hush, Last time I checked Fort Wayne is in Indy(unless Ohio has annexxed it). As earlier poster and the Buckeye prep Report stated the Teague team was up 32-12 at one point-is that a nailbiter? Every team has reclasses(their are no 13 year old 5th graders lol) your team even brought up the Yates boy from Texas(he is the best player I’ve seen on the circuit). And evidently my opinion means something since you choose to respond to it. Again just my opinion lol
Only 1 kid on here from New York???? Lmfaooooo
@hush….has to be someones sorry momma. funny, the Teague team entered our tourney and are all age correct. we require documentation and they had it. always been the most trusted and respected program in the Midwest. their 7th grade team is one of the best and they are accused of cheating too bc they have a tall kid and they win. people always say kids are too old when they get beat. up 20 in the first half and the tall kid didn’t play. hell, half the team left at halftime for some reason. my buddy said in indy the beating was worse and Teague only had 6 players, all smaller than the 4 biggest on the gulf coast team. must have been 15 and 16 year olds LOL. ever notice that the winners cheat and the losers are legit?
As a parent of a kid who was ignored in elementary and middle school but got ranked in high school, thank god.
These are babies still developing and having fun. It’s great to get recognized but adults take it too far.
Trust who you are 10 will not be the same person you are at 17.
Chill out! Let the babies play and enjoy because the day they are playing college ball comes at you real fast.
Amen!!! Thank you for this comment! These guys do their best, no way you can pay attention to every kid in the country anyway.
An Oakland Rebels Black 11u dad who won’t even say his son’s name on here.
No worries. People that play your son KNOW who they have to try to stop when they see the Rebels. He is an excellent player with a nice complete game on a solid team.
Signed By Oakland PAL Parent that respects your sons game
Right on Dawg. Likewise!
@saw em in indy. Look at your first post u said the tournament was in Indianapolis. Make sense with what u say guy u don’t even know where u was at! And no all teams don’t have “Reclass” if a kid is 12 and a half in fifth grade that’s a problem. That tournament was last week you’re living in the past. Kids will win some lose some. They’re 10 and 11 year old boys,with a lot of room to grow this be my last comment because obviously u don’t know much!
@hush, sorry I should have clarified. As the title indicated, I saw them in Indianapolis but didn’t specify it was at the tourney in December where Teague took only 7 kids and beat NCBC not the tourney they beat you at Fort Wayne. You really need to look at your own house before you start complaining about reclasses because I know that not all of your kids are legit(and their is nothing wrong with it-just don’t act like its not happening lol). I’m not picking on you guys(although the new kids/team on the block will catch the heat especially when they recruit from other established teams). I was just making the observation that given the high rankings of 4 kids on that team(again Yates is the far and away the best)to be beaten not once but twice in a row by a bunch of unranked/lower kids maybe MSE might want to rethink their rankings. And yes they are young kids who will grow and develop but when Parents and Websites put out videos showing how great the kids are(2 in particular)ya gotta expect these type responses. As far as me not knowing much thats up for debate-I can tell from your name(hush) that you are more than likely a players mom who has been brainwashed by someone in that organization. No hard feelings, not trying to make you mad-sorry if I did. When you guys move kids from border states(and some not border states) like other teams on the circuit does ie the Oldrydas or the Soldiers, you will catch heat when they don’t perform. Good luck with the rest of the season.
@Saw em indy I really wasn’t going to say nothing but u keep running your big mouth. About nothing literally! Mse could care less about u saying they should reconsider their rankings. U talking about wins they beat Team Teague in Akron big deal who cares,but u failed to mention that.And im not mad at all i think u funny to be honest.U on here down playing kids be serious! U act like this list is ESPN top 100 get a grip clown! And no not everyone has 12and a half year old fifth graders hope u can string together a few wins if not that would be a damn shame! Still is quite frankly. Good luck to u the rest of the season.
Lol this is classic. Hush the dude is trying to be polite but you wont let him, Its definately obvious you have to be a young black woman cause you won’t let him have the last word. Take care o your kid and don’t let this bother you. Your kid is still ranked-aint nobody taking him down. Pray he is rank when it matters-in high school. You actin like as big a clown as he is. #riseabove
Rankings are good but floor play counts! We will see ya’ll at the Super 60 – Atlanta Nets!!!
I would love to see updated information on 2023,Teams & Players, now that we’ve seen a few big tournaments!
All I have to say is Jorden Williams and Jayden Nicholson.
2 astonishing players from the newly formed StL Knights….Missouri class of 2023 team.
These young men as well as other team mates will definitely be breaking into this years top 25 national team rankings.
Keep an eye out…….
Rashad Tipsord a class of 2023 PG out of Quincy,Il is not to be taken lightly. I predict him to make a big change in future rankings. I Saw him play in St. Louis and continued to follow him. He has a very bright future. Remember I told ya….
Agreed!! Watched Tipsord at The Reebok Summer Showcase in St. Louis needless to say was very impressed. His basketball IQ was off the charts. He will most definitely crack the top 10 this summer. One to watch for sure…
Team wall Fayetteville certainly have 2 that is under the radar
This kid from east texas 5Th grader is legit check out highlight Tyson Berry
How in the heck y’all got Keywone Jenkins ranked #72 he better then y’all top 5
Whoever do these rankings don’t know bout basketball how Keywone Jenkins ranked #72 & he shut down your #1 he only scored 3 points on him the whole game ask about the #3 from the Miami Monstars there is nothing guard better than him in Florida
Rankings are based on the parent’s attitude, not player’s talent or academics. That’s why 72
I seen kid play this weekend at primetime nationals for OK chaos #23 named Demar Vealy 1 of the best guards I ever seen damn near unstoppable whole tournament do anyone else know him???
This is by far the worst rankings out!! I thought coast2coast was terrible but LBJ Jr still #1?? You are being biased.. Jakary Townes #5? He doesn’t even start on his AAU team but Khoi Thurmon is #30? And he starts and is the best player hands down on NCBC? This is horrible, literally!! You clearly don’t know anything about the AAU circuit!! Get up and watch some tournaments! Seriously!
LBJ should not be in the top 6. By 2017 he is going to drop like Kamins in Il.
To all the dedicated parents that spend time and money taking their kids to and from practice and traveling on the road to these tournaments. Keep up the good work. To all coaches that make sacrifices to coach whether you have a child on the team or not, continue to guide your players to be the best at whatever they`re HEART desire. Now, to all these so call ranking service STOP trying to make money of these coaches and parents by having these terrible fake camps. Ranking kids should come from spending time watching kids play, not watching how much money a parent can pay. You`ve left off all lot of young talent from all across the country. As a coach, who have coached against some really great programs. Just to name a few Born Gifted, J3,Team United, Team Wall, Atlanta Celtics, Ga.United. That`s not all of the great programs. I have seen major young talent in 2023 that were left off. So to all players continue to work HARD and college coaches will FIND YOU. NOT in some FAKE CAMPS.
Check out Michael Bivona class of 2024 Instagram crazy handles I seen him play against the best 12 year olds in the country and he was 9 check out his insta airmike7777
Also he has a very high IQ should definitely be on this list he from Ny
Mike also has a very high IQ from Ny
Oh wait this is 2023 lol
He is 2024
I don’t know what circuit y’all been following but Dajuan Wagner Jr from New Jersey that plays for New Heights in New York is the real deal and should be in the top 20.
Only 2 kids from New York?
Jaeden Mustaf from DC (#54) is ranked a lot lower than he should be. For one, he is a guard. Dude has savviness beyond his years and is a knockdown shooter. And keep in mind that he has never even played against most of his peers because he has always played at least one age group up. He has never competed on his age-level.
Check out jre Donnell from Wichita Falls TX, he has no national aau team but can play with any of these kids.
Be on the look out for jahmir smith (atlanta tapout) (georgia stars) highly talented guard in the ga area
I know for a fact the kid sitting at #6 is SOLID…He has been giving all the kids in NC the business and has led his squad to several championships…I enjoy watching him play and I’ve spoken to his parents and I can tell he has great people guiding him and balling is in his BloodLine his uncle Brandon Tate plays in the NFL…I’ve seen him at camps and live and he is the real deal…
There is not way Barry Tate is #6 or #14. He’s one heck of a ball player but SHOULD NOT be the best in NC. Aden Holloway, Jaiden Thompson, Robert Dillingham, Jaylen Curry, and JJ(from Team United) I can’t remember his last name are all better than the Tate kid. But as Jay-Z it’s politics as usual. Check out GC Ballers 2023 and Team United 2023. The top talent in NC are on those 2 teams.
Those players have to build their name in HS since they don’t support MSE. Impossible to still give any exposure.
Barry Tate also plays with GC Ballers with Aden and has been destroying Jaiden for years…the last time they played Barry scored 34 points had 8 assist and 5 steals against him BUT they are on the same team this season so no need to debate this topic…you can catch Barry in action Jan 7 in the middle school elite all american game
I’m the head coach of GC Ballers 2023 and @FriWorld is telling nothing but lies. Wow these are kids come on now. Barry is an excellent ball player but he’s not a part of GC Ballers. I could easily expose the truth but like I said these are kids. All I’m gonna say is I’ve never seen him destroy Jaiden. Hopefully, they’ll play each other in the future.
I like what middle school elite is doing everyone isn’t going to like it and everyone sees the game different BUT I read all reviews about the kid at 6 and ALL scouting agency craves about him… To sum it up this list is legit and if you guys whose complaining about it STOP IT…
You can’t keep belittling other kids talent because someone YOU know isn’t on the list…Once this list came out I looked up all the kids seen half in camps and this list is on point! Keep up the good work middle school elite!!!
You should check out Harvey Wilson 2023. Saw kid play on a couple of basketball teams – E1T1, Florida Lightning and Warriors. Kid’s got some good, raw talent and great size (6′ 150lbs). Pretty big kid & young – Tampa/Miami kid. Not sure what team he’s with.Be nice to see him stay with one team.