Class of 2024 Malik Johnson (Texas) has a Big Heart
Middle School Elite | Sep 27, 2016 | Comments 1
Athletic Johnson
5th grade, Malik Johnson from Pasadena, Texas has good height for his age; long arms and legs which make him a good defender. He is developing his ball handle and shot selection.
Johnson attends Kendrick Middle School in Texas.
Mr. Johnson who is 6-6 says, “school work comes first.”
What if Johnson grew to 6-9 and attended Florida State in the future? He wants to become a NBA player or scientist.

Filed Under: MSE Players
My great nephew has more heart, soul, will and drive than a lot of adults have. Basketball is not only in his DNA; it’s his dream. He’s disciplined both academically and athletically, a great achievement! I’m so proud of you Malik!