Class of 2021 Imo Essien (Texas) Is Too Talented
Middle School Elite | Oct 23, 2016 | Comments 1
Defensive Imo
Class of 2021, 5’10”, Imo Essien of Texas is a superior point guard who prides himself as one of the best on ball defenders. He has the talent allowing him to guard multiple positions.
He’s also one of the best baller handlers in the state. With a combination of skills and athletic ability, he should be locally and nationally ranked.
Natural born leader, Essien attends McMillan Middle school in Wylie, Texas and is a straight A student.
As a dual-athlete, Essien enjoys playing football and accepts the challenge of shadowing and covering the opposing teams best wide receiver. Essien might be highly recruited in two sports soon.

Filed Under: MSE Players
I have been IMO’s AAU coach for the past 2 and a half years. I have seen this kid develop into one of the best point guard I have witness for his age group or any age group as a matter of fact. His vision is complete his handles is completely just ridiculous and he has the best floater I have ever seen. This kid future is so bright, I’m just glad to play a role in it.