Flamboyant 5th Grade Sian Morris
Middle School Elite | Aug 28, 2017 | Comments 2
Flamboyant Sian
Floridian 5th grader, Sian Morris, attends Watergrass Elementary as an A & B student.
Offensively, he demonstrates the ability to maneuver around opponents and attack the paint at will.
His defensive asset is lateral quickness and tenaciousness.
Morris’ favorite colleges are the University of Duke and Kentucky University. He hopes to pursue professional sports.

Filed Under: MSE Players
Every Kid has a story!Florida’s Best Kept Secret. I’m Bias(lol) Check him out tho
@AllStarPhenom or #UntilTheyStopMe
Thanks MSE!
Hard work beats talent, when talent doesn’t work hard. You, Sian have talent and you work hard! You are destined for greatness in whatever you do! So proud of you…love it!