The Best Two Players in The Game
Middle School Elite | Aug 31, 2017 | Comments 0
Glamorous Backcourt
Do you really want to compete?
I bet you have no idea who the best players are in pre-high school, better yet, the baddest mamma jammas on this sports’ planet.
Of course, parents/coaches always believe their son/player should be front and center. They exploit one another on Internet, and at camps or AAU. If you don’t agree with their inexperienced judgement, they question your knowledge.
Despite talented players ranked on our site, the best two shining-stars are Paul Biancardi and Jay Bilas of ESPN. Read it one more time.
The earliest obvious players’ attributes are dribbling, passing, and shooting the ball and sometimes sliding their feet defensively.
Here’s a thunderous slam dunk move though. Biancardi evaluates and ranks top high school players for college, and tag-team scout partner Bilas is the premiere commentator for the NBA draft.
Contractually, Binacardi and Bilas are no less competive on-and-off the court than jealous AAU parents/coaches seeking attention and free handouts such as scholarships.
Nobody is better or bigger than the recruiting process!
Filed Under: MSE Players