Equipped 2025 Robert V. Greene Jr.
Middle School Elite | Jun 07, 2018 | Comments 0
Equipped Greene
Raised in a basketball household, 5th grade guard Robert V. Greene Jr. AKA RJ, aged 11, represents Missouri City, Texas.
His Coach Dannie Hemanes says “RJ is a pure shooter and one of the best shooters in his program of 9 teams.”
“When people watch him hoop they always say ‘he can’t be in the 5th grade with game like that.’”
RJ keeps his nose in the books at Edgar Glover Elementary; math and science are his favorite subjects. “He only missed 1 question on his Math STARR Test.”
In terms of character, people say “he is a very courteous and respectable young man.”
Greene’s mother said, “RJ is God fearing, loves the game of basketball, and loves his family unconditionally.”
Robert, who has a sports family background, aims to one day become a NBA player. Until then, he wants to study Engineering and Physical Therapy at Kentucky or Duke University.
“He is following his Uncle Tee’s footsteps in the game of basketball, may he rest in peace.”

Filed Under: MSE Players