Buoyant 2028 Class Ryder Burgess
Middle School Elite | May 29, 2019 | Comments 0
Buoyant Burgess
Behold class-of-2028 combo-guard Ryder Burgess from Kentucky. Although young and maturing, he holds his own when playing up.
“Double distinguished” for “state standardized testing,” straight-A Burgess attends Russell McDowell Intermediate School.
Moreover, Burgess’ father — who played at Marshall — hovers 6-6, and mother peaks 5-7.
Plus Ryder’s Grandpa (thirty-five year famed H.S coach) is a former Mississippi State player.
This 3rd grader aspires to compete for coach Calipari at the University of Kentucky and to become a NBA player and Robotics Engineer.

Filed Under: MSE Players