Steadfast 2025 Jameson Kegler
Middle School Elite | Sep 19, 2019 | Comments 0
Steadfast Kegler
Class-of-2025/7th-grade guard Jameson Kegler from Houston, Texas, took part in the topnotch Paul Biancardi Basketball Camp held at the Village School this past weekend.
We asked a jubilant Jonathan, Jameson’s father, what was the takeaway for him, and he said, “Jameson learned as much as he could about the game of basketball on both ends of the floor as well as mentally.”
Watchful camp instructors cautioned eager to-learn campers to steadily “live low” in their defensive stance.
“All of this was enhanced by Paul Biancardi taking the time to roll up his sleeves and get right in the middle of a drill or game to instruct the players on how to perform the given drill/play.
He was truly passionate about it and that energy was contagious to all coaches and players.”
Young-and-ready Kegler picks up where he left off.
“Jameson has worked on moving without the ball and his catch/shoot game. . . Cutting down the time it takes him to release his shot coming off a screen/pin down as well.
These were drills they worked during the camp.”
Prior to Coach B’s sold-out event, Kegler’s skill set increased at the Coach K Basketball Camp at the Cameron Indoor Stadium on Duke University’s campus in Durham, North Carolina.
Jameson persists to pound the surface, whilst trusting the process, and possesses a promising future.

Filed Under: MSE Players