MSE Top 20 Most Influential & Powerful People in Youth Sports
Middle School Elite | Jun 25, 2020 | Comments 0
Who’s Who & What’s What in the Game?
As a show of humility and gratitude, we introduce the top twenty most influential, powerful and beneficial people in middle and high school sports.
Surprisingly, Paul Biancardi (ESPN Director of 💯 Rankings and Recruiting) swaps No.3 with John Lucas (The Lab) to take Brian Merritt‘s (National Recruiter for Lucas Enterprises/LSU coach) post at No.1.
The latest person added here is keynote speaker @AlanSteinJr., and those listed 11-20.
These individuals greatly contribute to the advancement of basketball development and recruitment for today’s aspiring student athletes.
Rank, Name, State
#1 Paul Biancardi (NC)
#2 Jay Bilas (CA)
#3 John Lucas (TX)
#4 Alan Stein Jr. (D.C.)
#5 Brian Merritt (TX)
#6 Marque Carrington (NC)
#7 Dino Trigonis (CA)
#8 Pat lawless (NJ)
#9 Adam Shoulders (TN)
#10 Clark Francis (KY)
#11 Terak Fattel (CA)
#12 Mike Jelinsky (NJ)
#13 LeBron James (CA)
#14 George Raveling (D.C.)
#15 Joe Keller (CA)
#16 Christian Popoola (NV)
#17 Don Showalter (IA)
#18 Laurie Petrillo (NJ)
#19 Ryan Silver (CA)
#20 Roger J. Goudy (FL)

Filed Under: MSE Players