Kejuan Johnson the Face of Middle School AAU Basketball
Middle School Elite | Jul 07, 2010 | Comments 0
Who’s Joel Berry?
Some hype followed the AAU national in Memphis, TN but the top players weren’t there to steal the show. Middle School Elite’s such as Kejuan Johnson, Perry Dozier, Tyler Dorsey and Jerron Love just to name a few of Clark Francis top 10. On the contrary, Alonzo Trier and Austin Grandstaff handled their business on Team Texas and came in 11th place. Trier is the highest rank player in the country for the class of 2015, according to Hoop Scoop .
So, who are the real challengers?
“Kejuan plays a high school schedule” said Tommy. “You can’t compare that to 13U competition” he added. Johnson plays with Joel Berry, the top 8th grader in the country for the class of 2014. Last week, they played at the John Lucas high school international camp for juniors and seniors in Houston TX. Now, they’re gearing up to play with Each One Team One 16U team at The Peach Jam in Augusta, GA and The Nike Super Showcase in Orlando, FL. Tommy says “Berry’s a goon” because he intimidates opponents.
Kejuan Johnson is the face of AAU basketball in more ways than one. His picture was supposedly displayed at the tournament, making it enticing for players to purchase a frame in their image. “When people saw Kejuan’s picture they thought he was at AAU nationals” said Tommy. Stay tuned as we bring you more of Kejuan Johnson and look for Joel Berry to be a main feature on National High School Elite.

Filed Under: MSE Players