Joe Keller of Phenom Camp Is No Longer With Adidas WOW!
Middle School Elite | Apr 17, 2013 | Comments 1
Phenom Camp Has A New Partner
Shortly after we published the recent article, KJ Farfan Top 2nd grader Gets Invited to Adidas Jr. Phenom National Camp, Joe Keller, CEO & President of Phenom Camp and former Adidas employee contacted us to say, “I’m not Adidas I’m BSN.” Wow!
Once upon a time, Keller could only invite players associated with the popular ‘shoe brand’. However, conflict-of- interest issues, which Keller has challenged each year of his camp, had an unfortunate impact on his business.
What Did Keller ultimately Decide? 
Keller decided that by departing from “Adidas”, he’d be able to invite all top player’s to his one-of-a-kind camp, regardless of their individual or team’s ‘shoe brand’ affiliation. In other words, as a student-athlete you can, now, attend Phenom camp’s; whether you’re with Adidas or Nike or Reebok or Under Armour. Wow!
Who’s Phenom New Partner?
As it became increasingly difficult for Keller to attract certain talent with using backing or support from a particular ‘shoe brand’, he figured it was a good idea to join the largest team sport apparel & equipment manufacturer and distributor company in the United States. Powerful BSN [Best Supply Network] Sports helped to put Keller even on a higher level. Wow!!
Player’s can No Longer say, “I can’t go to [Adidas] Phenom camp’s, because I am with a specific shoe brand.” Congratulations on Keller’s wise move and year’s of continued success.
Stay tuned as we bring you the best exposure from two upcoming jam-packed camp’s, Phenom/BSN Camp and Hoop Scoop All-American Camp. Also, coming around the corner is famed journalist, Clark Francis’ highly- anticipated book about How To Get Recruited.

Filed Under: MSE Players
I used to be involved in AAU ball. Now I know why I got out of it….Top 2nd grader? Really? Shoe affiliation for a SEVEN YEAR OLD! Come on people. I actually know this kid’s parents. They are good people, but I worry about this kid. He’s tiny as hell. His parents aren’t tall. He might end up being 5-7 and what does that mean for basketball prospects…They are bleak…It used to be that maybe you peaked in high school. Is it possible to peak at 7? The way stuff goes now, yes. If he doesn’t live up to this ridiculous hype, then what? Is he a failure? No, but that’s how he will be viewed. It’s tragic that these kids can’t just be kids. And to right of my post I see a YouTube video for the TOP FIVE YEAR OLD! Really!