Middle School Elite Radio Show With “Hoop Guru” Was Too Amazing
Middle School Elite | Apr 29, 2013 | Comments 20
Must Hear!
Coach Harmon- “One of the things that we do is cultivate the young kids to understand that each one of them have gifts from God within them and that those gifts are given for them to maximize their potential to the glory of God”
In this episode “The Hoop Guru” provides results from the April 2013 King James Classic, announces the initial list of confirmed players to Maryland Mania Basketball Camp, and interviews two major players in the youth basketball world.
Guest, Richard Hugely of Big Shots Basketball discusses his new facility in Tennessee and his new partnership with Middles School Elite’s National Ranking Camp.
Coach Harmon of Team Glory provides updates from recent tournaments for his nationally ranked AAU Teams out of the District of Columbia; as well as the mental and physical preparation used to build his powerhouse program and players. Harmon also gave a national invite to teams across America to come compete in the Team Glory Tournament to be held Memorial Day weekend at St. Albans High School in Washington DC; top teams across the country have already confirmed. Finally, all listeners were provided an update on the nations Pound for Pound champion Zion Harmon.
Replay this show and tune in every Monday at 6:30pm for the latest information on youth basketball. Middle School Elite Live with “The Hoop Guru”; coming to a court near you!
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Filed Under: MSE Players
Powerful and motivating show! MSE keep doing what you do
Coach Harmon never did state his son’s true age – he did make mention of the rumors of his age and also made mention of how he plays up and has been doing so for years – to blanket the face that he is now playing down. Also this kid is listed at 5’4 on this website – yeah ok not yet at least and also with the Maryland Mania camp coming up this summer – the site has switched from highlighting kids in the midwest to highlighting kids in MD – Tyler – Zion – Kyree – etc
come on wake up people see the puppet master behind the curtains also who was interviewed here Coach Harmon – he even admitted they lost recently but he was able to promote his upcoming Team Glory event and also Zion and this website. WHY DO YOU THINK THAT IS???????????????????
@True Age, Ahhhh, does’t it make common sense that Maryland players would be highlighted for a Md. event? Not sure how or why this Coach would have anything to do with it. Being on the west coast and reading this – this player is from DC (close to Md. I think) wouldn’t it make sense to focus on this demographic? The last camp was in Indiana ….soooooooo, it would feature Mid-West Players (no?????) I researched this player myself and we are considering coming to one of the upcoming MD. tourney’s and/or camps and he is on lots of sites. It would seem that (from what I am reading) if they didn’t have this player they would be remiss in their rankings as he is rated highly all over. Maybe you should listen to next weeks show or past show topic before being so judgmental – your reply almost seems personal in nature, being that all the profiles are so positive on the children and considering no one else is taking the time to promote the youth to this degree. Might it be that your child isn’t good enough? your team lost to his? Your player left to play for him? I heard the show he gave God the Glory and you can’t say one positive thing. You are whats wrong with youth sports and MSE is doing what they can and whats right to combat folks like you….
Not to be rude – but you did ask “Why do you think that is” so you got your answer…hope it sinks in and you begin to appreciate the programs, camps, services, and coaches who are truly trying to help the kids like this site.
@Common Sense
The MD kids are being profiled and are now being considered the top talent listed by this site to promote the event.
Yeah ok that makes sense to make a buck I will promote your kid even if he isn’t that talented.
Look at the Kyree profile why was he profiled other than the fact he is from MD where the camp will be.
You could profile a 100 random kids to promote an event doesn’t mean they are any good truthfully.
Go back and look at the rankings when the camp was elsewhere and you will see a change in the rankings based on the demographic of the camp – Not to be rude but you lack common sense. Know what you are talking about first as I did before I made my comment.
You would travel across the country to play againts kids who are hyped up by this site to increase attendance at this camp – and you say you have common sense?????
read below the last part of the KYREE profile
When competing against the top competition nationally, he’s consistently represented himself as one of the best in the nation as documented by multiple ranking services. He’s another young player out of Maryland who’ll be at the big Middle School Elite showcase coming up.
That last sentence says it all
You could hype a million kids this way and some parents would actually travel to play against them
I have seen Kyree play – Tyler play and Zion play save your trip and your money and get in the gym with your kid
playing against them in an all-star camp format will not help your kid get better
Common sense has never been so stupid
Here we go!!! I knew it was a matter of time before the hate started. Tell his age for what?? To prove to YOU people, when all you have to do is protest it. If everyone feels so strongly about it, DO something about it.
Zion’s pint sized down playing lying about his age held back to compete sorry ass wont get past high school!!
Get off the site!!! You’re so mad yet you keep reading and posting messages. Zion has your FULL attention!! Thats good!! Thx!
The Banks kids has been written about in the Hoop Group and at the John Lucas camp AND attended the MSE camp in the midwest and has been ranked in all of these for over a year…Common Sense in this case is right and you are DEAD ASS wrong. I am sending my son to this camp BECAUSE TO COMPETE against kids like Kyrie who we have seen and played against elsewhere. I thinks its cool that you voice your opinion loudly – but bro DON’T BE LOUD AND WRONG.
Banks has been to and ranked at all of the following:
3D Elite Guard Camp (2012) John Lucas Future of the Game (East / West) (2011, 2012) Nike Youth Pre-Draft Camp (2011) Jr. All American Camp (2011) Hoop Group Pocono Invitational (2011) Hoop Group Jr. Elite (2011, 2012) Jr. Phenom (2012) Prodigy Jr. Elite Camp & Combine (2012) John Lucas Camp Right Way (2012) MSE – Middle School Elite National Exposure Camp (2011)
Come on man – get your facts together AND then reply…
I’M sorry @FACTS did I miss something
Kyree Banks 6th grader profiled recently on this site – but all of those camps weren’t mentioned – only by YOU as I am confident MSE had no knowledge of what KYREE did ( only as told by you) and if you look below you will see the 2012 6th grade rankings from this site and tell me what name is missing – KYREE BANKS
he was listed in 2011 rankings for 4th graders -#12 Kyree Banks, 5’2, Guard, Clinton, MD
so it looks like he fell out of the rankings in 2012 on this site
despite all of what you listed for him.
Plus i know it hurts you to see Tyler, Justice and a few other guards on this list from the area and no KYREE.
I attended the MSE 2011 camp at Fordham Univ as a member of the press and observed the camp didn’t even have an evaluation system setup and was unorganized.
So parents if would like to waste your money and travel to have your kid play against a kid who may be all hype made up by his parents (DADS) and this site (MSE)that is upto you. Word of advice save your money and get in the gym I guarantee your kid will not get better playing against these kids an in all-star setting where every one is a guard and everyone wants to shine.
Isn’t that what nationals is for ??????????
I will be at Maryland Mania this year as well and we will see if the evaluation process will be any better.
ALSO ZION Was #14 – 2012
he shot to #1 due to maryland mania being in his backyard to help promote the camp.
6th grade 2012 MSE rankings –
( looking for KYREE BANKS)
#1 Simon Banks, Forward, Indiana
#2 Jordan Mitchell, Forward, Ohio
#3 Dexter Shouse, Forward, Indiana
#4 Chandler Lawson, Forward, Tennessee
#5 Lance Jones, Guard, Illinois
#6 Keon Brooks, Forward, Indiana
#7 Jeremiah Francis, Guard, Ohio
#8 Lejon Doss, Forward, Texas
#9 Tyler Brelsford, Guard, Washington
#10 Naseem Khaalid, Forward, Carolina
#11 Joseph Cooper, Guard, Tennessee
#12 Harris Hunter, Forward, Georgia
#13 Peyton Harris, Forward, Ohio
#14 A.J White, Guard, Indiana
#15 Christopher Payne, Forward, Ohio
#16 Armaan Franklin, Guard, Indiana
#17 Shawntell Knight, Center Kentucky
#18 Bryce Goodwin, Guard, Arizona
#19 Wendell Moore, Guard, Carolina
#20 Kobe Langley, Guard Carolina
#21 Justice Ellison, Guard, Virginia
#22 Jordan Montgomery, Guard, California
#23 Kenneth Womack, Guard, Washington
#24 Isiah Moore, Guard, Indiana
#25 Juwan Gary, Forward, South Carolina
@True Age….the page you are talking about is the page showing WHO IS COMING!!!!! The rankings dont come out till after the camp – LOLOLOLOLOL, come on dude, get with it. Md. b/c its being held in their state had until May 1st to sign up first (today!!!!) now other states can sign up and you will see more PLUS there are two or three already outside of MD. I dont have a nickle in this quarter but this was clear to me – I couldnt help but explain since you seem not to get it.
Why do we care if Kyree is coming?
Why was he profiled ?
He isn’t even listed on this site as a top player in his class.
What has he done is my question other than play AAU in Maryland and have MSE attempt to hype him up as a great player to look out for at a camp in Maryland.
Oh thats right I forgot listing him will help pull in other parents willing to pay for their kids to play against the same kids they play against in the area in local aau tournaments (except with added hype)
and a few people from outside the area as well
Except now they can shoot as much as they want
to shine in front of their parents and stroke their parents ego’s and some of their ego’s as well.
Just to say my kid is the best 5th 6th 7th grader in the Maryland area – not really he is just possibly the best 5th 6th 7th grade gunner who attended Maryland mania that day and shot more than anyody else and the site posted it for you to look at and send to your friends and family.
Stop it Stop it
I guess AAU basketball isn’t enough
I guess Nationals isn’t enough
I guess regionals isn’t enough
I guess your kid being reclassified to play down isn’t enough to give him an advantage he clearly doesn’t have within his own AGE Group
@EVERYONE….I heard/understand that their will be a National Select Team formed from the top players in each age group that will travel to other states and tourneys…for me as a parent that makes this camp worth it as this will provide more opportunities and exposure for my son. Every little bit helps. College coaches are looking at kids nowadays at this age so dont sleep on the benifts…so no nationals, aau, and regional’s, isn’t enough – when your kid turns 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 would it be enough or would you want them to play on a national elite team, play in the capitial classis, play in the Jordan game, or the McDonalds game. Of curse you want this THATS WHY THEY RANKED THE HS KIDS ….and how does that happen, by them going to 5 A Star, NIKE ABCD Camp, ever heard of max prep, hoop scoop, and ESPN top 100???? Where do you think they get their info from …I guess they just one day figure out in 1 season of high school who the best in the nation is?????? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, TRUE AGE IT STARTS NOW. Since you are media I guess it doesnt matter but as a parent who care about their child I want to be there cause its never too much or too soon. I spoke with a rep and they explained a very detailed weighted evaluation system, that goes well beyond gunning. If you read the write up they are analyzing the kids games and in some cases they are saying what they need to work on. Again as a parent you want to know the strengths and weaknesses of your kids game. Question, I guess you dont believe in the ESPN Top 100 either?????
At Team Glory, we do not mind the hate. We know that they hated against Jesus ans he went about doing good. But to hate on a kid who is playing within the confines of the AAU rules and regulations is interesting. Do you know how many grade exceptions there are at each age group. The AAU states that your roster can have 15 grade exceptions on it. We are the National Champs and only have 2. We are well within the confines of the AAU rules. Zion is not a bad kid. He is not disrespectful. Go to his school and you will only hear positives from his Teachers. Great student. Loves the game. Plays hurt. Cries if he cant play. Respects the game. Works hard on his game. Recieves well from others. Ask anyone who has coached him at a camp. Call them up. Dave Hoopla, Micah Landcaster, Tori Baylor, Mike Saunders,Coach Cole(his old coach from D.C. Assult). Are you hating the player or his game. Maybe both. Whoever you are saying that Zion can not play 5th Grade. It does not make any sense. He played 5th grade at the regionals when he was in the 2nd grade. Why would he not be able to play against 5th graders now. Maybe you were not at the P.Valley Regionals. Gold Medal. And he was clearly the most dominant player at that age group. He was one of the best players on the floor at the MSE Christmas Camp playing up at 6th Grade with Lance Jones, Mike Saunders,Hunter(G.Hill),and many others. He plays up at camps with 7th and 8th graders regularly. And he plays his best when the lights are on. Middle School Elite is doing an exellent job promoting this event. Lets let the event be for the kids. Roll the ball out there and let the kids play and show all the hard work they have been putting in. If your child has game and want to play against Zion and test his skills without the trick defenses. Let them come to Maryland Mania. See you on the court. Its going to be a great event for the kids.
Zion is a great ball player on the National-level circuit. He is a joy to watch. The AAU allows a 24 month window between the youngest and oldest on the court. AAU created these heated discussions online and near brawls at tourneys allowing unlimited “grade exceptions” and a 24 month difference between the youngest and oldest on the court. 24 months difference in development is a long time especially for 8U to 14U. It should be 12 months difference so that every kid on the court is the same age. In July/August (Sept 1st cutoff), if you are 10 then you play 10u or higher. If you are 11 then you play 11u or higher. 15 months age difference is the absolute max age difference that should be allowed. The AAU District Directors are the ones that concerned parents should be getting the message to. Contact the AAU officials who matter who can do something about it – Boo Williams, Rod Seaford or your AAU district director. Ask them 1) Is a 24 month difference between the youngest and oldest on the court fair 2) Is everyone on the court being the same age unfair? You will win this debate every time.
4th graders who will not be 11 yrs old before Sept 1st should be recognized as the best of 10u. 4th graders that will be 11 before Sept 1st should be playing 11U – especially those who will be almost 12 (otherwise known as 5th grade)
KYREE IS 11 yrs old I am his trainer and the DC Blue Devils 8th grade coach he can play flat out but y’all should be ashamed with this bull crap y’all posting about these kids and most y’all never played foreal lmao….. Any question bout this comment 2403559699 hit me
Way to co-sign your investment and self promote yourself at the same time – since when did a trainer have more say so than a coach what he does in drills with you may be impressive but I wouldn’t expect you to say anything less with mom and dad paying you. Don’t need your number for anything but the mom who commented may start to bring her son to you -which is good business
I never herd of him I will make sure I check him out in MIT torny in June
Kyree and Zion are both 11, the difference is, Zion plays 4th and Kyree plays 6th. And u dont see anything wrong with that @Thetruth. His hype means nothing just by that fact.