MSE Maryland Mania Basketball Regional Camp Sets New Standards (I’m Better Than You!)
Middle School Elite | Aug 29, 2013 | Comments 3
99 Problems But Exposure Ain’t 1
Mania- 1: Excitement manifested by mental and physical hyperactivity, disorganization of behavior, elevation of mood; specifically: the manic phase of bipolar disorder 2: excessive or unreasonable enthusiasm <a mania for saving things> – often used in combination b: the object of such enthusiasm
One of last great battles was between Born Ready Lance Stephenson vs. OJ Mayo at the ABCD Reebok camp in 2005. The rivalry made people not only appreciate them, but the game of basketball itself. Only a eighth grader at the time, Stephenson with a entourage wanted to prove he was better than an older Mayo, who was considered the top high school player, regardless of class. Lance sometimes got the best of Mayo. Eventually, Mayo adjusted to win the game and out score Stephenson. OJ stayed on top and Stephenson earned recognition for being a fierce competitor. Both players are currently in the NBA. Whether a eager 8th grader like Lance or high school phenom like Mayo or a gladiator 4th grader like class of 2022, Evan Young, from Utah always work hard to be the best and beat the best. And Young did just that on both days of camp. He’s
extremely combative and aggressive on both ends. He was indeed a top player at camp and now he’s a top player in the country. Evans held his own playing up against 5th graders like Stephenson against Mayo. MSE camp is your modern day version of ABCD camp.
MSE Maryland Mania Basketball Regional Camp, which took place this past weekend at Maryland Junior Sports Center in Jessup, Maryland was distinctively incredible. Over one hundred kids in 2nd through 8th grades traveled from Connecticut, Virginia, Ohio, Georgia, DC, Texas, North Carolina, Maryland, Utah, Illinois, Philadelphia, Delaware and several other states to showcase their talent and compete against the best of the best. There was more than enough talent to produce quality teams for regular games and All-Star games, and player rankings. The building was packed with parents, players, coaches and even a few vendors including a MSE apparel booth. Camp instructors set up advanced workout stations using a shooting machine. A ball handle station involved chairs for dribble exercises. “Shooters always cheat”, said Coach Dave a camp instructor who wanted the player to cut hard to the ball for a
catch and shoot. “Quick, quick, quick”, he said to a player he saw moving slow without the ball. A player was hesitant to attack the basket and he said “You never looked at the rim so I know you’re not shooting” and “If you can shoot then you can play with me any day.” At another station, Coach Jason worked with players on their post moves. A step around pass was made to a man posting in the red. “One hard bounce and drop step”, he said. “It’s a big step.” Suddenly, a frustrated coach Jason ordered his troops to “bring it in”. They huddled up and he said,” this is the worse group I had. I had 2nd graders better than this group. If you don’t want to work then sit down and I’ll work with the next group. You guys are here for a reason.” Meanwhile, a strolling coach emphasized, “You know what’s at stake, you never know who’s watching.” Off to the next station. “When you slide pick your feet up”, said coach Matt who had players wear a resistant mini- band around the ankle’s. He advised campers to buy the inexpensive ‘mini band’ at Sports Authority. He told the them “it’ll help make you perform better.” Next, campers did a joint stability drill for balance, where
they jump and land soft on their feet. “It’s harder than it looks,” said coach Matt. He’d heard a player land a bit too hard and said,” somebody’s loud here.” Back at the ball handling station campers worked on hand and feet coordination. “Y’all keep playing in line we gonna start doing push ups” coach Taj said to kids pushing in line. “The next person I see fighting over the line will do push ups.” Tough love. “When you crossover stay low, good, work on your footwork.” A father caught eye contact with his son and calmly echoed, “low.” However, coach Taj’s brother, coach Ray, divided a half court to create two separate ball handling stations. “Push the ball out in front of you,” he said. “Pound the ball, pound it, pound it.” Moving forward, a hype coach Mike headed the one on one station. “I want to see someone play some good defense!” Pressure was really on the offense now. “Good job,” he said because the player got the stop. Whenever a camper got his shot blocked or ball stolen, he’d make them go at it again and again. This back and forth at one another style of play
carried over into games the entire weekend. Campers played ferocious lock down defense and dived for any lose ball. The energy and effort of campers was surreal. They was animated and fascinating like cartoon to children. The prodigies had 3D moves that came out at you. Take for instance, nine year old Sarmartine Bogues, who’s a 3rd grader from Windsor, Maryland. He knows how to play the right way. His grandfather is a former NBA player so hoop is all he knows. He’s brilliant with the rock and deliberate with getting in the lane. He uses a hesitation dribble- head fake to blow by defenders, then he counters the second line of defense. It was a pleasure watching a player his age and level IQ.
Sunday, MSE educated those on the importance of early youth basketball exposure. “In 2007 there was no such
thing”. Campers was encouraged to be their best, on and off the court, and to be better than the generation of MSE players, who’ve since moved on to top national division 1 high schools. “Think like a pro and not a middle school, high school and college player.” Just when you thought you were an amateur. “You must be professional at all times.” The gym quieted. “Anything else is unacceptable.” Campers began to sit at attention on the bright red hardwood floor. “We didn’t invite a NBA players, because MSE kids are stars.” Their eyes, ears and neck perked. This leads us right to Sunday’s All-star game. Celebrated Coach Francis coached a loaded 8th grade squad and things turned up!! “Don’t set picks, just come down and spread the floor, if the defender steps up go by him, if he stays back shoot the jump shot”, said coach Francis as his player walked the ball up court. A boy sitting with his mom to his left leaned toward us on his right and said, “I wish he was my coach”. He also felt a
need to say “I would’ve came yesterday, but I had a football game.” Note: Class of 2022, serial baller Zion Harmon from Maryland, is an amazing 5th grader, who played up with 8th graders in a talent filled All-Star game. He played at their game speed and played the same way he did in the 5th grade All-star game for his age group. Harmon’s a typical kid, but what’s scary is he has a rare and unique peripheral. He literally sees nothing except the rim, though he’s highly capable of making the players around him better and getting teammates involved. Harmon drained a casual half court buzzer beater and landed consecutive NBA range three’s earlier in the quarter. He was impressive. He’s every definition of a killer and doesn’t smile unless he’s taking flicks. Harmon is a nightmare for the opposition and somewhat a better defender. Perhaps he just wants the ball in his hands that bad.
Finally, when the dust settled a MSE king was crowned and he’s 8th grade Myles Dread from Buntonsville, MD, who’s ranked No. 26 on 2013 MSE top 60 National Player Rankings for class of 2018. He has a lot of upside and a long way to go, but he is a savage when he chooses.
Moreover, he plays equally aggressive on offense and defense. He has a consistent and silky smooth jump shot, unlimited range. He’s powerful on the perimeter and in the paint. He uses his wide frame to intimidate and impose his will, especially on smaller guards. Combine a good ball handle, strength, IQ, skill, quickness, size and athleticism. There’s plenty to say regarding this man child that it’s difficult finding the right words. In fact, we have so so much to say about all the campers who attended this dynamic one of kind event. We snapped photos of every camper and evaluated each one, based on their individual skill level. Therefor, we have exclusive content for days, months and years. Shortly, we’ll release rankings for the MSE Maryland Mania Basketball Camp. Check out everyday for exclusive player write ups and non-stop coverage of the Maryland regional camp. Wait, that’s not all. Don’t miss the ‘MSE Central Valley Halloween Bonanza Camp Showcase’ in Fresno, California on October 26th & 27th. Stay tuned, the best of MSE is yet come!

Filed Under: MSE Players
Wow. Must be political
So true.
The Utah kid could shoot and was scrappy until he hurt his hand. He just does not have the handles that a number of the others have.